Safety and Environmental Policy
PIPELINE ERECTORS KZN and their management teams and employees are committed to the development and implementation of measures that enable an atmosphere of safety, health and environmental excellence. It is, of course, fundamental that our organisation and employees observe the laws, regulations and standards that our government has laid down, but we believe that a sound environment means much more than this. It is about the quality of life, now and in the future.
Steps are taken, preferably, to eliminate or to manage risks by: -
- To comply with laws and local regulatory controls and industry standards and codes of practice to which the company subscribes.
- Making the workplace as safe as is reasonably practicable
- Ensuring that substances and materials are stored safety and correctly used.
- Providing employees with the necessary information and training for safer working.
- Assess the risks to employees' health and safety.
- Ensuring that all plant and equipment is safe to use.
- Instituting safe work methods and systems.
- Control manual handling operations to reduce the risk from injuries.
- To prevent pollution and give a swift response to incidents in order to minimize any threat to the environment.
- To reduce levels of waste produced. To dispose of such waste in a safe and responsible way, and employ recycling or reuse wherever economically viable.
- To promote safety, health and environmental matters awareness in employees, customers, suppliers and visitors.
- We will continually monitor and measure the effectiveness of this policy and strive to make continual improvements all the time.
Quality Policy
Pipeline Erectors KZN is an engineering specialist with expertise in turnkey Projects for private, parietal/ municipality and corporate Clients. As such, both organisations' management and all their employees recognize that without Customers, they would not have a business, and the customer is accordingly, the reason for our company's existence and our employment.
As the Director I therefore totally commit myself and my staff: -
- To identify with our Customer's current and future engineering and construction needs, by providing a service that meets the Customer's requirements with the aim of exceeding Customer expectations.
- To create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the company's planned objectives and targets.
- To create, maintain and control operational processes by ensuring that resources and activities are effectively managed to achieve the desired result.
- To continually improve the effectiveness and efficiency through measurement and evaluation.
- Analyse systems and procedures to ensure that factual and effective decisions are made.
- Conduct business with our clients in a manner that is mutually beneficial and which enhances the ability of both of us to create value.
- To comply with all Statutory and Regulatory Requirements relevant with industry.
- We further commit ourselves to the implementation and maintenance of a Quality Management System complying to ISO 9001:2008, and to the continual improvement of our business by the regular review of our Quality Management System and by keeping abreast with the latest technology in our field.